Guidelines for promoting social inclusion through entrepreneurship

Plant Nutrition and Fertilization

Plan Nutrients • Plants require adequate quantities of nutrients in the proper balance for basic physiological…

Plant Propagation by Cuttings

Plant propagation by cuttings Part of the plant which is detached from the mother plant and…

Plant Propagation by Bulbs

Plant propagation by bulbs Underground organs…  Food storage organs (sugars, proteins, starch etc.)  They…

Fruit Trees

Fruit tree science (Pomology) classifies plants according to their morphological, anatomical and physiological characteristics, but also…

Soil and water

The importance and role of soil “Soil is the mother of everything” - Chinese proverb

The agricultural ecosystem

Ecosystem: Any unit that includes all the organisms in a given area interacting with the physical…

Project Partners

“Perpato” Association for People with Kinetic Disabilities and Friends,  in the context of the Interreg V-A…

Marketing Promotion Management

About Project AgriAbility

Rural areas are a key pillar of the economy and present a number of opportunities for…